Nashville Roof Repairs

Nashville Roof Repairs

Common Roof Repair Reasons

There are many different types of roofing problems that can be repaired.  The quicker the problems are handled by a professional roofer, the less damage will be done to the property. Below are some of the most common roofing problems. If you experience any of these in Nashville roof repairs can be handled quickly by us!

Roof Leaks

Roof leaks are the most common roofing problem that homeowners face. They can be caused by numerous things and are typically found near the chimney, at flashing points, near pipes or vents, or around the gutters.  Most leaks are located several feet away from where water is getting in, so the best way to find them is to look in the attic for mold or water stains.

Damaged Flashing

Roof flashing is made of sheet metal or plastic and is used to protect the areas of the roof where there are creases, usually around skylights and chimneys. It is also used around vent pipes.  When flashing becomes damaged or loose, water and moisture are likely to penetrate. Luckily, flashing is fairly simple to replace, but it is always best to hire a professional to do it.

Damaged or Missing Shingles

Shingles are the first line of defense on the roof, so if one becomes damaged or completely falls off, it leaves the roof and its elements vulnerable to leaking and wood rot. As your roof ages, you should expect for shingles to fall off.  They are easy to replace, however, making it a simple roof repair.

Shingle Granules in Gutters or Downspouts

When shingles are old, they tend to lose granules and become weak. The granules protect the roof from UV rays, so when they fall off, the shingles become vulnerable to the sun and will crack. Loose granules will clog your gutters and downspouts, letting you know that it is time to replace the damaged shingles.

Pooling Water

If you have noticed water pooling on your roof, it is a sign that your gutters are not functioning properly. When water pools on the roof, it seeps into the cracks and causes the shingles to deteriorate. It is important to clean your gutters regularly and make sure they are in good working order to prevent this type of damage.

Tree Damage

Another common roofing problem is damage from tree branches. Whether a branch falls on the roof, or branches touch the roof from a tree that is growing too closely, the roof can become damaged.  The top layer of the roof will become eroded when in contact with tree branches for a prolonged period of time, falling branches can puncture the roof, and animals are more likely to climb on the roof from nearby branches.

Poor Installation or Maintenance

If a roof isn't installed properly, a homeowner will face many problems and the roof's lifespan will decrease significantly. Always work with a reputable roofing company that has been in business for quite awhile and has good references to ensure this doesn't happen to you.

Just like any other large investment, it's important to perform regular maintenance on a roof.  Issues will be found early on, making them much easier to repair and minimizing the amount of damage caused to other parts of the house.

Ice Dams

When snow and ice accumulate on a roof, the weight can cause the eaves to sag and form ice dams. These dams prevent melting snow from draining off the roof, which can eventually lead to water infiltration and extensive damage. Prevention is key when it comes to ice dams - the roof should stay the same temperature as the eaves. This can be done by adding more insulation, increasing the ventilation, and sealing off any possible air leaks that could warm the underside of the roof.

Most roofing problems can be repaired easily as long as they are caught early.  Having a qualified roofing company perform inspections and maintenance at least twice a year and after major storms will help you stay ahead of the issues and prevent costly damage.  At Nashville Roofers, we are experts in roof repairs. Give us a call with any roofing problem you may have!

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